LEAP: Leaders for Ethics, Animals, and the Planet
A Compassionate Alternative to Traditional Animal Agriculture Programs
The 2024-2025 Unity Farm Sanctuary LEAP program will run from September-May. Classes and workshops will be on Saturdays 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM: . Plant-based lunch is included. Service opportunities at the sanctuary will be available daily, to best fit with LEAP participants' schedules.
Unity Farm Sanctuary is located (just south of Natick MA) at 17 Unity Lane, Sherborn MA 01770. MAP
The application window opened for 2024 on April 22, 2024. Visit the LEAP website Travel financial aid may also be available, if needed, to offset the cost of transportation to the sanctuary. Make sure to follow Unity Farm Sanctuary in our email news, free UFS App, or on social media to learn more details. We are excited about the 2024-2025 UFS class of LEAP!

Things to Know
Timeline 2024-2025
April 22, 2024: Application submissions open
August 30 2024: Application deadline closes at the end of August
Once the applications window closes, if your application is selected, you will be contacted to schedule an in-person or zoom interview with at Unity Farm Sanctuary
Notifications will be sent by September 5
Duration of 2024-2025 LEAP Program is September 2024 – May 2025
Applications & Waivers will be available here and on the LEAP website April 2024
Plan ahead for the April 2025 application period opening up for LEAP 2025-2026, keep connected via our email news, our App, or social media
Focus Areas
LEAP provides education and experiences for
high school students in areas including:
Hands-on, compassionate animal care
Food and agricultural systems
Leadership development
Wildlife and ocean conservation
Farmed animal welfare
Human health supported by a vegan diet
The intersection of human and animal rights
Climate change solutions
Social emotional learning
Food deserts and food insecurity
Domestic animal care
Vegan cooking
Effective advocacy
Rewilding the land
Organic gardening
Community outreach

Jennifer D’Angelo, Humane Education Director, CHES
Our LEAP Program Director would love to answer your questions!
LEAP (Leaders for Ethics, Animals, and the Planet) is a revolutionary humane education program providing high school students across the nation with a compassionate alternative to traditional agriculture programs like 4H and FFA. A comprehensive four-year program taught by participating farm animal sanctuaries, LEAP combines interactive curriculum modules with hands-on learning activities, leadership training, and real-world skill development. LEAP aims to prepare the next generation of Changemakers to tackle the challenges of animal cruelty, climate change, food deserts, and habitat loss, and encourages them to devise solutions for a more compassionate, sustainable food system.
Candidates for the LEAP program understand the social responsibility they have as the next generation of leaders, and want to make a difference in their communities. They are ready and eager for leadership training and have a desire to change the current system for animals, human health, and the planet.
Participants will earn a certificate of completion, qualify for letters of recommendation, and be connected with a vast network of nonprofits and mentors. At the end of the completed year with the LEAP program, participants will have the ability to apply for competitive scholarships of to go toward college or career training. These scholarships are offered to encourage initiative, leadership, hard work, and we believe it is imperative that we show our Changemakers they can earn money for education by helping animals, differing from traditional agricultural programs.