Leap Day, for LEAP Changemakers!
Perfect synergy for Leap Day - our LEAP Changemakers project team, lead by LEAPer Caroline Kisgen, delivered plant-based compassionate foods to the food pantry A Place to Turn near Unity Farm Sanctuary. Many people think of food pantries in November, but there profound needs in the spring and summer as well. A Place to Turn serves over 650 families through the year! We brought an amazing collection of healthy-centric foods (without animal products), plus much needed eco-friendly paper goods and personal items. In all there was 513.8 pounds of food collected, plus 188 eco diapers, 648 ecobaby wipes Dove bar soap, eco TP and paper towels as well. (LEAPers Sarah Lindgren and Emma Whitham helped the Pantry do the count of the newly donated diapers and they counted up 2903!)
Prosocial education works to help with Animals/People/Planet, so this is the perfect project for LEAP, our leadership high school program at the Sanctuary.
Team Leader Caroline says, “I've always cared a lot about food pantries and providing for those in need. I am so fortunate to have been given the opportunity to lead the organization of this plant-based food drive for ‘A Place to Turn’. Getting to see an intersection between my love of service and my love for animals is incredible, to say the least. This plant-based food drive is a great way to help people and to raise awareness for the humane treatment of animals at the same time. LEAP has given me a new perspective on animal agriculture, and I am very passionate about sharing that information with others. With the horrible treatment of farmed animals and the negative impacts of this type of agriculture on the climate and community; donating and consuming plant-based food is a more compassionate choice. And there is nothing more impactful, and a true symbol of being human, than compassion.”
What are you going to do on this lovely "extra day" to grow compassion?