At Unity Farm Sanctuary, your generosity truly matters to us so we can continue to take care of our rescues.
Your help is critical — and so very appreciated!
This holiday season, will you consider making a year-end gift to keep the hay coming, the stalls warm, and the food bowls full so the 225 rescues can receive the care they deserve in 2023?
There are many ways to help!
Mail in your donation via check to Unity Farm Sanctuary: 17 Unity Lane, Sherborn MA 01770
Cash is welcome too in the Donation box onsite at the Sanctuary
Having difficulty with pop-up blocking on your browser when using our donate form below? Just give us a call and we can help with the use of a credit card donation. (1-508-848-8368)
If you prefer Paypal - we welcome you! https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/UnityFarmSanctuary
If you prefer Venmo - we welcome you! @unityfarmsanctuary in the Venmo app
No matter what you choose, we want you to know that your support makes all the difference in the lives of our rescues. Thank you, for saving lives and providing them with the care they deserve!