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H5N1 Avian Influenza

I have been aware of HPAI (High Pathenogenic Avian Influenza) for over a decade. It has become a serious global issue.

There are confirmed avian influenza wild bird deaths just 8 miles south of the Sanctuary today, so we will begin our H5N1 safety protocols for our rescues and our people.

In the time since our last lock down in our bird zone, we have been slowly modifying our avian set ups. To control our ratio of birds to interior space, we have not accepted any birds recently (except for rescuing the one friendly Buff Orpington rooster dumped in the Sherborn woods on a subfreezing degree day this month).

We officially will not accept any bird surrenders here until further notice.

Visitors to the sanctuary are thankfully at a minimum here at this time of year (we don't have tours) but we will have anyone coming onsite thoroughly spray a commercial disinfectant on all footwear when the weather is warmer. Since spray bottles freeze up, as would disinfecting boot dips, our aim is to limit foot traffic near the birds and use disposable boot covers.

Our Amazon wishlist is updated with disposable PPE gear we need for staff and volunteers working with the bird areas. (you can also send us the equivalent items from other resources than Amazon)

Thank you all for your support! Please read up on safety protocols for handling any wild birds you might encounter who have died or appear sick/neurologic.

We will continue to share information about the situation as it evolves.


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