The Guinea Fowl are loving the "footbath"; this fountain has been a major source of water for wildlife and pollinator insects during our current drought. The crickets are still making their pervasive summer songs in the sultry warmth of the end of August. The angle of the sun is changing to the south though, and sunset is getting earlier and earlier, inexorably.
Our college age volunteers have gone back to school and this week the local high school students are back from their summer adventures. We will start having busier weekends and afterschool volunteering. The rhythm of summer at the Sanctuary will shift to autumn.
As the ninety degree days slowly ease, we breathe a sigh of relief not only for ourselves, but for the rescues here who are struggling with the heat. The two month drought had us taking careful care of our two wells. Autumn is less humid and less hot, but not yet cold. A favorite time!
This summer saw our farewell to Goldy Minihorse (long post about that in our Website Member's Area and on our free App), but Leona Pig rallied from her illness and is happily doing piggy things as we speak. Buddy and Jingle goats both seem to be feeling better. Star Donkey's whiteline disease of her hoof is resolved. Ella Alpaca has a specialist in eyes looking at her next month. Miss Dutchess has buth arthristis and kidney failure to contend with - we are watching her closely. We are delighted to be helping to rehab our new Dunny the Quarterhorse too.
It is wonderful to have been able to help rescue two Yorkshire piglets who went to sanctuary, and a calf headed to NC for sanctuary as well. Two more twin calves, Jack and Jill will be headed to Serenity Farm, a microsanctuary right here in Sherborn. We have gotten countless calls for rooster surrenders since the late spring and also some hens, ducks, goats, steers, donkeys, rabbits, guinea pigs, turkeys, and minipigs surrender requests. Dog and cats are the new surprise surrender request here! We will network with other safe homes and sanctuaries to the best of our ability.
A volunteer at Unity has her own farm space now in CT, and she and her wife are ready to start a microsanctuary. It means a great deal to us to inspire new microsanctuaries because small microsanctuaries have a huge impact when there are many of them. She is starting with feathered friends, but hopes to rescue goats as well.
Summer's bounty still brings us huge zucchinis, tasty cucumbers and so many luscious tomatoes. It is a moment where we are about to offer so many foods to our rescues. As summer closes, we will have apples, pears, corn and soon the much loved pumpkins!
Don't rush the days - enjoy the summer while you can. You can guess Dudley is hoping for some snow though! We did spot Halloween candy at the grocery store, and chrysanthemums at local farmstands....
Each season here in New England brings something new. We can't wait to see what is around the corner!